Strained eye due to heat can affect work
Posted 15 Apr 2024 | Source: Times of India
Bengaluru: Has your work efficiency come down in sum- mer? A reason for drop in pro- ductivity could be changes in ocular surface (functional unit comprising eyelids and blink reflexes, crucial for vi- sion). Dr Rohit Shetty, chair- man and cornea and refractive surgeon at Narayana Nethra- laya, says switching between air-conditioned and hot envi- ronments strain eyes, impact- ing work efficiency.
"Washing your eyes regu- larly could break your tear film. Heat compressors can open meibomian glands (oil glands), reducing ocular sur- face changes," says Dr Shetty.
Also, the chances of spreading of vector-borne dis- eases like malaria, chikungu- nya, and dengue are high in summer, says Dr Swati Raja- gopal, consultant - infectious disease & travel medicine, Aster CMI Hospital.
"High temperature in- creases the life cycle of mos- quitoes and increased human outdoor activity can lead to more bites," she says. The best way to prevent these diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. "Practise personal hygiene, take a shower after spending time outdoors, and apply in- sect repellents as per instruc- tions. Get vaccinated after consulting a doctor," she says.
Experts recommend ways to prevent summer illnesses
Dr Srinivasa Murthy CL, lead pediatric consultant at Aster Women and Children's Hospi- tal, Whitefield highlights chil- dren's vulnerability to illness- es like gastrointestinal, res- piratory, skin, and ear infec- tions. He stresses on pool cleanliness, proper food han- dling, hand hygiene, and using masks. He says, "Patients may experience sudden vomiting and diarrhea, risking dehy- dration, if untreated. Drink- ing enough fluids and taking probiotics can ease gastroin- testinal issues."
"Drink plenty of fluids. Do not let children play outdoors in the afternoon to prevent heat exhaustion," he advises.